Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Monkey Bread Recipe

Monkey Bread Recipe


 ¾ pound of yeast paste (if you have saved the dough in the fridge, remove from the fridge and leave to rest until the same room temperature)
 8 tablespoons (1 mold) unsalted butter, melted, and more of them to the mold
 ¾ cup packed light brown sugar
 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Monkey Bread Recipe
Monkey Bread Recipe


1. brush tray pant capacity of 10 inches with plenty of melted butter, then set aside. 
In a medium bowl mix light brown sugar with ground cinnamon, then scatter 2 tablespoons 
of the sugar mixture in ready tray Puntland.
2. Cut dough into pieces ½ inch, then form in the shape of balls. Dough balls covered 
in butter, then roll in nuts mixture and placed in the mold covering awith plastic cover,
 and leave to rest in a warm place for about an hour until double in size.
3. Heat oven to a temperature of 350. Put the dough in the oven as soon as it double in size and
 bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for 15 minutes. 
Volatility on a plate and leave to cool for another 20 minutes.

angel biscuits recipe

angel biscuits recipe


 2 packets of active dry yeast
 ¼ cup of warm water (110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit)
 5 cups of flour mixed-use, and more of it to spray
 1 tablespoon baking powder
 1 teaspoon baking soda 
 ½ 2 tablespoons of sugar
 1 teaspoon of salt
 ½ pound (2 molds) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
 2 cups of yogurt
 8 tablespoons (1 template) unsalted butter, melted and cooled

angel biscuits recipe
angel biscuits recipe


1. Heat oven to a temperature of 450 Fahrenheit, and brush the buttered baking
 tray or line with baking paper and set aside.
2. Dissolve Yeast in warm water and set aside for 5 to 10 minutes
3. Sift the flour and baking powder and baking soda, sugar and salt together in 
a large bowl. Transmits half the amount of the dry ingredients to the bowl prepared food 
and cut the cold butter.
 back The mixture into the pot dry ingredients and mix with them to blend the ingredients.
 Works gap in the middle of the mixture and add the yeast and yogurt. Stir the mixture until
 a dough has formed volatility on the surface sprinkled with flour. Kneaded the dough for 
15 minutes so blessed no longer attached to the surface or fingers.
4. Uniqueness of the dough to ½-inch thickness and cut into circles 1 ½ inches thick by 
biscuit cutter. Compact biscuits on a baking tray with left a 2-inch space between each
 piece and the other. Painted face melted butter and bake biscuits for 10 to 12 minutes 
until golden in color.

Carrot Cake recipe

Carrot Cake


5 eggs
2/3 cup of sugar
1 1/4 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
175 grams shredded carrots
1/2 cup of crushed nuts
350 g soft creamy cheese
Cup sugar powder
175 semi-sweetened chocolate

Carrot Cake recipe
Carrot Cake recipe


1 - sprinkle the flour template deep rounded measuring 8 inches and set aside
2 - break the eggs and sugar over warm water bath until it becomes a thick white
3 - lift eggs from the water then add the flour with cocoa powder and stir lightly with a spoon
4 - Add the carrots, walnuts and oil and stir again lightly
5 - put them in the mold and then enter the oven to 190 for 45 minutes or until tender, then cool completely
6 - During the precious attend creamy cheese with sugar powder and chocolate dissolved
7 - cut cake into two fillings with cream in the middle 

Amount would be enough: 5-6
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: to bake

Note: To find out if cake is baked, use toothpick, if left dry, meaning that the cake is ready.

Tiramisu Cake recipe

Tiramisu Cake


• 8 eggs
• 1 and 1/3 cup sugar
• 2/3 cup starch
• 2/3 cup fermented flour
• 2/3 cup flour
• 1 cup boiling water
• 2 tablespoon coffee powder
• 300 ml cream
• 1/3 cup powder sugar
• 500 gm cheese Mascarpon
• 750 gm Strawberry cut in half
• 2 cup toasted almond slices
• 1 cup sugar additional
• 1/4 cup cold water

Tiramisu Cake recipe
Tiramisu Cake recipe


1 - Use mold with Dimensions 28 cm x 34 cm and cover it with paper
2 - mix the eggs and sugar in electric flapping until become heavy mixture
3 - Add the flour and stir quietly with eggs and then filtered mold and bake in oven on 180 C for 40 min
4 - leave the cake to cool completely
5 - during that mix water with the coffee and set aside
6 - mix the cream sugar powder until frozen, then add cheese and half a cup of coffee mix
7 - Cut cake into 3 layers
8 - wiping each layer brush with a mixture of coffee and then distribute part of the cream and so on until we finish layers of cream and cake
9 - brush the last layer with coffee
10 - cover the cake with whipped cream and then cool in refrigerator overnight
11 - put the half strawberry on the side of the surface of the cake and then decorate Spaces with almond slices
12 - mix a cup of sugar with cold water in a saucepan on the fire until it melts and then let boil for 10 minutes until the sugar become gold
13 - and then leave to rest a bit
14 - by teaspoon take the caramel and pour it on the toasted almonds

Amount would be enough: 8-10
Preparation time: + hours for the whole night in the fridge
Cooking time: 40 minutes

Monday, June 8, 2015

Pizza Express Recipe

Pizza Express Recipe

Ingredients / 4 people

300 g flour
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1 baker's yeast sachet
1 pinch salt

Difficulty Easy
Preparation 5 min
Cooking 20 mins
Rest 1 pm
Total Time 1 hour 25 minutes

Pizza Express Recipe
Pizza Express Recipe

Crispy and chewy at once! I do not buy pizza dough ready, it's so easy and better to do or even ...

In a bowl, pour the flour, salt and add the olive oil and sugar. Dilute the baker's yeast in a small bag glass of hot water. Pour into the bowl and knead until a ball. Although the flour and cover with a cloth and let rise for 30 minutes to an hour in a warm place.

Roll out the dough and place on the baking paper.

Garnish according to the desires always starting with spreading the special tomato sauce pizza.

Bake 20-30 minutes at 210 ° C (gas mark 7) this may vary depending on the oven). Serve with a green salad.

5 Ways to Preserve Food

5 Ways to Preserve Food

When your garden begins yielding piles of peppers and bushels
of berries,you're cheering. After a few Weeks,however,do you begin
stressing over the mere sight of all that bountiful produce..

Presser Canners
A Pressure vanner,while a pricey investement in the the home
gardener much more verstility for preserving summer's bounty.Many vegetables
cannot be safely Processed in aboiling Water canner because...

Boiling Water Canner
Boiling water canners simply consist of a large kettle or Dutch
oven set on a stove,in which filled jarsare added  to boiling water.
This method works Well for fruit-based james.jellies and...

Drying food in a small dehdrating appliance ,or even a low-temperature oven,
allows you a unique food product.Make dried fruits.veggies chips.herbal tea and..

"Leather Breeches" drying
Old-timers routinely string green beans,hot peppers and other produce on thread or..

Infused Oils and vingars
Savoy veggie,edible flowers ,herbs and berries make great flavor vingars and oils,Throgh
the infusion method .you can make inexpensive gourmet cococtions as
gifts or for your own cooking.Place the produce in a clean jar...

How Cold Should I Keep My Fridge?

How Cold Should I Keep My Fridge?

un less You live on a farm or want to travel to the grocery

store every day, you need a refrigerator to keep foods and drinks

fit for later consumption .keeping the fridge at the proper temperature

is the key to minimizing food spoilage and loss .several variables affect

how you need to adjust your fridge settings .understanding bacteria

One of the major reasons why people put food in the fridge

is ti slow the growth of harmful bacteria that could cause illness.

scientists have figured out that bacteria growth doesn't really slow

down significantly until tempratures reach around  40 degree Fahrenheit

No Freeze,Please

Even thogh bacterial growth slows at temoratures under40 degrees Fahrenheit

,Many of the foods and beverages people like to Store in the fridge have at least a small

amount of water.if temperatures  in the fridge dip below 32 degrees

the water in the beverage or food can freeze.That can turn Fresh Fruits and veggies

into an unappetizing.mushy mess once the food is also can make it impossible to

chug Favorite beverages .Thus,the temperature in a fridge never should go below Freezing 

How to Eat on Nothing

How to Eat on Nothing

whether you just moved into a new house and need to buy afew
emergency groceries or you're trying to scrape bye between pay
check,s it's alwayes good to know to feed your family for
aslittle as possible .while you can certanly survive for afew days
on ramen noodles and canned ravoili,it's cheaper and healthier to eat
from are 10 items you can buy for less than 2$each:for the cost
ofe one night at taco bell,you can feed your familya all week.

1.eggs.areal wonder food,eggs are filled with protein
and they're extremly versatile .you can eat them fried
or scrambled for breakfast,make omelets for dinner or hand
boil them for a nutritious snack.

2.ground beef or can buy a single pound of ground beef or turkey
for under 2$. divide the pound into four equal parts ,and
use these to make meat sauce ,casseroles,chili or other dishes.

3.dried beans.much more economical than cannes,dried
beans are one of the cheapest sources pf protein available.
you can make up a batch early in the week and use them in
sroups,burritos ,tostadas and more.

Spring Treats for Family and Friends

Spring Treats for Family and Friends

when spring arrives we want to add some thing special to our
cooking.These two simple recipes are fun to cook and will
make everyone smile.

Zucchini Bread
This recipe makes2 2 loaves so you can give to a
neighbor or friend and keep one for your family.when
my neighbor's family finished their loaf her kids came over
to eat ours. You will need 2 8x4loaf pans(well greased
and Floured)
and 2medium to large bowls.

Once you have these ingredients together the mixing is
quick.When the bread is in the oven you have time to flix
the second spring treat.

Rice Crispy Cakes
Kids Love to help with this recipe .They may make a mess
but they have so much fun.You will need 113x9x2 cooking
pan,a large saucepan and a buttered or silicone spatula
and Just three ingredients .

Enjoy Spring and bring smiles to your family and friends